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Tips to Clean Mold on Painted Walls

Mold is not only unsightly, but it’s also dangerous! And just about every home gets the stuff.

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Mold on the walls or ceiling is an all-too-common problem in any room with high moisture levels. The most common causes of mold growing on walls are water leaks, condensation, and high humidity.

If you have seen some signs of discoloration on your painted walls, you need to act fast. Acting fast will help prevent it from spreading and causing a myriad of health and structural problems.

So, how do you exactly remove toxic mold from your walls? If you came here looking for an answer to this question, you’ve come to the right place.

But first…

What are the signs of mold in your house?

When mold takes up residence in your home, your health will pay the rent. Here are some telltale signs that mold has invaded your home:

  • You struggle with breathing or have some respiratory issues.
  • You get frequent headaches that just seem to keep getting worse.
  • You know that there is a history of flooding in your home.
  • You’ve recently been getting more nosebleeds.
  • You notice a bit of a musty or damp smell.
  • You feel like you have a lingering cold or are battling flu-like symptoms.
  • You visibly see mold spores.

Where you will most likely find mold hiding?

You can find mold in virtually every environment and can be detected, both indoors and outdoors, year-round.

  • Where a water leak has occurred. Most people don’t realize this, but any leak that isn’t properly fixed can cause mold to grow. One place that is usually prone to this is the area under the sink. Any leakage that goes unnoticed can encourage mold growth.
  • Areas that are prone to high humidity levels. Such areas include any room with a hot tub or Jacuzzi improperly installed indoors or walls and ceiling near humidifiers. A high relative humidity indicates a high level of moisture in the air. When it accumulates, especially on a porous surface, mold can form.

How to Get Rid of Mold on Painted Walls Safely

Mold and mildew is the bane of most households. Luckily, though, it is possible to use everyday cleaning products to get rid of mold. The following are some of them.

1.   Borax

Borax is a popular household cleaner. It’s also used in many household products such as herbicides and fungicides. It disinfects, cleans and deodorizes – making it a top choice to ward off and even kill toxic black mold.

Borax can be toxic to the body when ingested. But, it doesn’t release toxic gasses or fumes that would otherwise require the wearing of a respirator for safety reasons. Also, Borax is a mild-skin irritant and has been classified as non-carcinogenic.

As such, as far as killing mold goes – Borax is recommended.

2.   Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another great option when it comes to eliminating black mold from your painted walls. It doesn’t produce toxic fumes, is inexpensive and doesn’t leave a toxic residue after use.

It also serves well as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. That said, hydrogen peroxide also functions as a mild bleaching agent. As such, spot test an area before applying it.

When you are good to go, just mix a solution of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water into a spray bottle.

3.   Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used for thousands of years. It’s valued for its cleaning and baking properties. Baking soda does a great job (with a little elbow grease) as compared to bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide.

It’s extremely safe to work with (especially with tots and pets running around). So, if you’re very concerned about safety, baking soda is a great option.

4.   Vinegar

If you are working on a small remediation project, vinegar can be a great (albeit a bit smelly) alternative. Luckily, though, the unpleasant aroma quickly dissipates after a few hours. You may not even notice it if working in a properly ventilated room.

Vinegar has mild acidic properties and is safe to use for every day mold remediation tasks. Its antibacterial properties should help you get rid of mold from your painted walls.

5.   Tea Tree Oil

You could also use tea tree oil to get rid of black mold. Going green with tea tree oil has many advantages over using corrosives such as bleach and ammonia.

Tea Tree Oil doesn’t come cheap. However, it’s very effective at removing toxic mold. A small amount usually suffices. Just be careful not to ingest it, though.

6.   Ammonia

Always wear gloves when working with ammonia. You should also take care not to mix it with chlorinated bleach. Also, open all doors and windows to help dissipate the fumes produced.

You should combine it with water in equal proportions.


There you have it. Proven tips to help you get rid of mold on your painted walls. If you need more help, please consider hiring professional mold remediation services.


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  • Devin Scott
    October 14, 2019, 7:25 pm REPLY

    It’s great to learn that baking soda can help clean mold off of painted walls. My wife and I are looking to clean our walls. I’ll let her know that we should use baking soda as a remedy for moldy walls.

  • Jerry Woods
    October 28, 2019, 7:19 pm REPLY

    It’s good to know that vinegar can help remove mold from painted walls. My wife and I are wanting to prevent mold from growing on our bedroom walls. I’ll be sure to use vinegar on the walls to remove and stop mold from growing.

  • Kurt Claus
    February 19, 2020, 3:53 pm REPLY

    Thanks for sharing this. Of course, it is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences. But if it’s too late, and a problem with mold has already appeared, you need to act without delay. Many underestimate the danger of mold, and as a result, they get persistent and serious health problems.

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